Everyone knows that financial education is one of the most crucial things to teach children at a young age. It doesn't just set them up to be wealthy, but it gives them the tools to be confident, choose delayed gratif...
Choosing to wholesale real estate might be the EASIEST way to kick-start your real estate investing journey. You don’t need a ton of money and you don’t need to take on debt. And with a couple of deals under your belt...
An online side hustle that replaces your $100K salary in year one!? It sounds like an impossible feat, but today’s guest was able to achieve this by launching an unusual ecommerce business—allowing his wife to quit he...
Many of us have a story behind doing what we do. You may have been raised by parents living paycheck to paycheck, spurring you to chase financial freedom and create a better life. Or maybe you labored tirelessly at wo...
Everybody is busy. We have jobs, kids, businesses, and responsibilities to take care of. Why go out of your way and risk your money and time to invest in real estate? Mike Webb, firefighter, investor, flipper, and who...
A “wife-FI,” semi-retired finance blogger? It sounds like an exciting life, but what does it entail? Today’s guest didn’t arrive here overnight and doesn’t recommend it for everyone. What he does recommend, however, i...
Your first rental property is the hardest; trust us on that. You go through SO many strategies, different markets, and emotions throughout the process. Most wannabe investors get fed up and quit before they can build ...
Self-storage investing saved AJ Osborne’s life. After sudden paralysis and being left in a coma, AJ was fired from his job. He couldn’t work, walk, breathe, or do anything without assistance. Strapped to a hospital be...
How much passive income would you need to quit your job? How many rental properties would you have to buy? Most real estate investors think they’d need twenty, thirty, fifty, or a hundred units to finally retire with ...
After a strong case of “mommy guilt” working as an assistant principal, pregnant with her second child, Deba Douglas knew she needed a way out of the rat race. A run-in with Rich Dad Poor Dad prompted her to begin sav...