Did you know that a certain shade of paint can help you sell your home for more? Or that one type of countertop could cause buyers to get into a bidding war over your house? What about the one inexpensive outdoor impr...
Are there “clues” that point to phenomenal real estate investing areas? We mean the areas nobody knew about until it was too late. The neighborhoods that seem to jump in price overnight, and everyone ends up saying, “...
Are mortgage points really worth it? In many cases, they can save you money on a loan. But be careful; that lower rate might not be worth the cash you put up! It’s important to run the numbers before doing a mortgage ...
Real estate investing... old school!
Rick Jarman (@realestateoldschool on Instagram) joins us today to share some of his hard-won wisdom from 44+ years as a flipper and landlord in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. And it's qui...
Want 100% passive income? As in no tenants, toilets, phone calls, or painting! You can get genuinely passive income through one type of investment—real estate syndications. Never heard of them before? You’re about to ...
Making $71,000 per year from ONE rental property is a huge feat for any real estate investor, but it’s even more impressive when you’ve had to work your way from the very bottom. Although today’s guest had to overcome...
Most financial advisors aren’t what they seem. They paint themselves as stewards of your financial security, carefully analyzing every investment they put your money into. But that’s far from the truth. Many financial...
Knowing how to budget is one thing. Knowing how to budget for a pricey pregnancy and future family is another. So, how do you smoothly go from a couple used to saving thousands of dollars every month to a family with ...
The hardest part of real estate investing is, of course, getting started. Once you have your first rental property, it’s much easier to scale your real estate portfolio than you might think—even if you don’t have much...
How does a teacher with a LOW salary achieve financial freedom, let alone invest in real estate? Surprisingly, it’s not as hard as you think, and if you repeat the strategy from today’s show, you could reach financial...