It’s easy to get caught up in the world of residential real estate investing. Maybe buy a single-family buy-and-hold deal, or try and flip a house, or why not BRRRR? But, residential real estate comes with many challe...
How much should your down payment for investment property be? Should you increase your down payment to maximize cash flow, or does putting all your financial eggs in one basket limit your ability to build and scale yo...
Are you a little tired of hearing about all the “successes” of real estate investors and wondering how realistic this is in the real world? Well, on today’s show, Brandon and David share the 10 biggest mistakes they’v...
Do you really need a real estate partnership for your deals? What are the benefits, and do they outweigh the risks? Well, it depends. The truth is that, while great partnerships will deliver value to both sides, bad p...
Ever wonder how your family would manage if you or your spouse lost your job? Emma Powell faced that reality head-on. She knew she needed "full-time income" while continuing to spend time with her family... and she kn...
What’s the key to paying fewer taxes? A cost segregation study. Never heard of it? Most real estate investors haven’t, but we’re about to unlock a world of tax-free income earning using this specific tool. If you’ve w...
Wondering how to get more bookings on Airbnb as spring break and summer vacation inch closer? With some expert tips, you’ll be able to bring in more revenue and higher reviews during these peak travel times. From list...
You dream of retiring early, but you’re stuck in the “middle-class trap.” You’ve built up a solid net worth, maybe own a rental property or two, and on paper, you look like you’re on track to make it rich. But in real...
Choosing where to invest can be overwhelming. With thousands of real estate markets and endless data to wade through, it’s no wonder that so many rookies trip up on this step before they ever get started. Well, we’ve ...
Many people struggle with money anxiety, even those in the FIRE community. Your money fears could keep you on the sidelines, or it could have the opposite effect, making you ultra-conservative with your retirement sav...