Teachers aren’t known for their high salaries, so how did this one reach early retirement and FIRE at just 45 years old? Through “aggressive” saving and smart cost-of-living choices, Amy Minkley was able to quit her d...
Want more cash flow with less stress while running your rental property portfolio? Then you need self-management! Amelia McGee and Grace Gudenkauf, seasoned investors and the minds behind BiggerPockets’ newest book, T...
Imagine making $1,500,000 on one regular real estate deal. We’re not talking about a huge apartment complex or commercial real estate investment. $1,500,000 on a single-family home purchase. How is that even possible?...
On today's episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we are joined by Arizona real estate investor Tracy Royce to discuss all things related to short sales, getting started, and the best ways to run your real estate inves...
On today's show: the massive impact of just a few flips and a few small multifamily rental properties.
Starting in 2017, that combination allowed our guest Megan Greathouse to step aside from her W-2 job (her husba...
Brandon Turner is a man of many talents. Whether it be building a real estate empire, growing a team, or surfing out in Maui, he seems to make it all look so simple. Yet, that is his key to success. Simplicity.
With a few money tips for 2024, you could take your savings to a new level this year. From investment fees to utilities, there are all kinds of everyday expenses that you might not have thought to slash!
Welcome ba...
Can you flip, wholesale, and buy rentals throughout a downturn?
Yes... IF you heed the advice given out in today's episode.
Our guest Tucker Merrihew is more than qualified to tackle this subject, having launche...
If you want your rental property to succeed, you’ve got to give people a reason to keep coming back. That’s exactly what today’s guest is doing—creating a one-of-one experience that people can’t get anywhere else. It’...
Is early retirement healthcare crushing your budget? Are you tired of getting your standard two percent raise every year? What do you do when a “friend” borrows money and never pays you back? Some personal finance que...