Did you know that a certain shade of paint can help you sell your home for more? Or that one type of countertop could cause buyers to get into a bidding war over your house? What about the one inexpensive outdoor impr...
Let’s face it—property management fees aren’t cheap. While you may need to hire a property manager if you’re investing out of state or are unable to self-manage your property, these costs can quickly eat into your pro...
No real estate investing journey is ever sunshine and rainbows, but some are certainly more difficult than others. Many rookie investors are either so fearful of making a mistake that they experience “analysis paralys...
A property manager can alleviate the burden of screening tenants, collecting rents, and maintaining your property. But if you’re not careful, exorbitant fees and unexpected charges can quickly eat away at your cash fl...
This episode could make you $40,000. Seriously, one property management mistake cost our own expert investor, Dave Meyer, anywhere from $30,000 to $40,000, BUT it’s easier to avoid than you think. If you’re a rookie r...
Most Americans believe that buying a house is a BAD idea right now. With so much hate on the housing market from everyday people, why are expert investors buying more than ever? Do they know something that we don’t? O...
No time or money to invest? You need a real estate partnership. What keeps almost every real estate rookie from investing is the fear that they’ll fail or that they don’t have enough to get started. But what if you co...
Ever had an interest in house flipping but felt you needed help getting started? Today’s show covers that exact topic! Cory Nemoto is an extremely humble but successful house flipper in Hawaii who is CRUSHING the game...
Brandon Turner is a man of many talents. Whether it be building a real estate empire, growing a team, or surfing out in Maui, he seems to make it all look so simple. Yet, that is his key to success. Simplicity.
David Greene is back and we’re “Seeing Greene” as he answers some of the most common real estate investing questions from BiggerPockets listeners! David goes over a multitude of different questions, ranging from finan...