“Do I have enough to retire?” is a question most people in the FIRE community grapple with, but today, we’re sharing a FREE tool that will help you put this issue to bed! If you’re concerned about running out of money...
Harnessing the power of data gives you an enormous advantage in your real estate investing journey, allowing you to discover up-and-coming markets or find deals that are flying under the radar. While crunching the num...
Most investors buy rental properties for cash flow, and the fear of losing money keeps many rookies on the sidelines. How can you be certain that you’re going to make a profit before you buy? Today, Ashley and Tony wi...
Real estate bookkeeping is one of the tedious but necessary tasks that comes with owning a rental property. Unsurprisingly, it’s one of the things that can make or break your real estate business. Can you do your own ...
Too busy to buy rental properties? After this episode, you won’t have any more excuses. Brandon and Dani Tilson started building their rental property portfolio just under a year and a half ago and have already acquir...
You’ve built a sizable rental property portfolio; now, it’s time to relax. You book a trip to the beach, get on your swimsuit, and are about to head out the door, but then, your tenant calls you. “The toilet is leakin...
Are you tired of toiling in the trenches... and ready to run a business that cranks out profits without your constant involvement?
That's what today's guest has managed to do! In this episode, Michigan-based invest...
Incredible show alert! You don’t want to miss this one: Brandon and David sit down with bestselling author Cal Newport (who wrote So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love,...
Welcome to the 2025 housing market! It’s a new year, and if you’re ready to invest more, get closer to financial independence, or finally find and buy your first home, we’re here to help.
We’ve got BIG plans for 20...
It has finally been decided. In the eyes of bidders at BPCon’s 2021 Coaching Call Auction, David Greene is worth more than Brandon Turner. Yes, that’s right, our beloved host who can turn any jiu-jitsu metaphor into a...