Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Real estate investing is a popular path to financial freedom, but if you’re not careful, bad debt can get in the way. Before today’s guest could buy rental properties, she had to deal with the mountain of debt that st...
Does FIRE seem impossible while raising a family? We’re about to prove that you CAN have it all. Emily and Joel are financially independent while raising five kids and still have the money to travel the world, take pl...
Building a real estate business is one of the best ways to unlock financial freedom, but that’s not to say that every strategy is the right fit for you. Today’s guest had to strike out multiple times before arriving a...
Financial debt (like student loans or credit cards) is irritating, expensive, and flat-out dangerous. But you don’t have to be stuck paying the minimum payments for decades like most Americans. Today, we’re excited to...
The fear of Job loss has become real for most Americans. And if you’re falling into the “middle-class trap,” a sudden loss of income could be even more severe. After the recent tech layoffs of 2022 and 2023, businesse...
Switching jobs is a HUGE career decision that impacts not only your finances but also your schedule, quality of life, and more. When is changing jobs the right move, and what are the different factors at play? Today, ...
A property manager can alleviate the burden of screening tenants, collecting rents, and maintaining your property. But if you’re not careful, exorbitant fees and unexpected charges can quickly eat away at your cash fl...
Could rental properties help you switch careers, replace your W2 income, or get out of debt? According to today’s guest, yes! Once Dave learned of the flexibility that real estate investing could offer, he left his es...
Everyone wants to reach financial independence as soon as possible. But if you really want to get on the path to early FI, you’ve got to start making savvy money decisions TODAY. And we’ve got a few tips, tricks, and ...