Need to estimate rehab costs or calculate ARV (after-repair value) on a property? For new investors, these tricky tasks can often make or break a deal. But, as always, our hosts are here to deliver some helpful tips!
Want financial freedom? We’re not talking about buying yachts, private planes, or million-dollar sports cars. We mean REAL financial freedom. The freedom that lets you work where you want, when you want, and spend tim...
If you know how to use your home equity, you can retire MUCH faster than most Americans. For the majority of homeowners, equity is just something to sit on, not something worth using. But what if you could convert you...
Want to work less, make more, and do it all by spending as little as five dollars per hour? Great! You’ll need to know how to hire a virtual assistant for real estate investing. Doing so can free up hours (or even day...
Who knew living for free could be as simple as house hacking and renting rooms out to a few college friends? Today’s guest was able to generate enough monthly income from his first real estate deal to cover his mortga...
Does it ever seem like working overtime is a competition? We often see people bragging about how they work 60 hour weeks, work on weekends, or spend the most time at the office or in front of their computer. Does this...
Our perceptions of work and life have changed significantly over the past year. While we once had a clear distinction between the two, now, we have a blurred line barely separating them. For some, this has made their ...
If you listen to this episode, you’ll be able to buy a rental property in the next ninety days. That means by the end of 2023, you could have passive income flowing in and equity building on your behalf. But how do yo...
With solid tax planning, receiving an inheritance could provide an enormous boost on your journey to financial freedom. One misstep, on the other hand, and you could be lining Uncle Sam’s pockets. Fortunately, we’ve b...
Everyone wants to be a millionaire, and if you’re listening to this episode, you probably want to be one as well! With so many online gurus trying to sell their secret to success, it can be hard to distinguish the rea...