Ever been interested in making money with short-term rentals but feel there’s just too much you don’t know? Welcome to the club!
On today’s show, Brandon and David interview Avery Carl, a short-term rental (STR) in...
Three years ago, Atomic Habits was released. In this groundbreaking book, author James Clear asks a complex question “why do we continue our bad habits while neglecting good habits?” While it’s not as easy as simply s...
Do you dream of building a real estate empire and reaching financial independence but stop short due to the “tenants and toilets” problem? The irony wasn't lost on twenty-nine-year-old Dillon Leonard when a renter acc...
From bankruptcy to financial freedom in just ten years?! Today’s guest is living proof that past money mistakes don’t disqualify you from building wealth with real estate. Whether you’re neck-deep in debt or strugglin...
Everyone wants to be a millionaire, and if you’re listening to this episode, you probably want to be one as well! With so many online gurus trying to sell their secret to success, it can be hard to distinguish the rea...
The NAR lawsuit changed the real estate industry overnight. Just like that, buyer’s agents were no longer getting their standard three percent commission, and many investors began imagining what buying and selling hom...
Robert Kiyosaki is arguably the most influential author in the finance, real estate, and investing space. His book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, has sold over thirty million copies and has been translated into forty different l...
How do you build up an arsenal of relevant landlording knowledge? Through hands-on experience. Eric Drenckhahn is a "DIY landlord" who has managed his mid-sized portfolio for years and who has come across countless ma...
Finding deals in your own backyard can be tough -- but today we’re talking to a guest who finds incredible deals from across the country! Bob Couture joins us today to tell us his inspiring story of starting out with ...
Buying and selling real estate portfolios isn’t what Omni Casey was raised to think about. As a middle child in a large family, Omni was never given the “investing talk” and was often surrounded by people who thought ...