Imagine living in a home where your next-door neighbors are your best friends or family members. We know you’ve thought about it before—starting a compound with all the people you love, everyone helps each other, watc...
Building a real estate business is one of the best ways to unlock financial freedom, but that’s not to say that every strategy is the right fit for you. Today’s guest had to strike out multiple times before arriving a...
Learning high-income skills can help you make money online—and a LOT of it! Just ask today’s guest, who worked not one but SEVEN internships to develop professional skills that would help her launch several successful...
A thriving real estate business without rental properties?! It might sound like an easy way to “invest,” but make no mistake—you’re going to need to sharpen your management, interior design, and problem-solving skills...
We know what you want: more profit while working less in your real estate business. As a rookie, investing in real estate can sometimes seem like more trouble than it’s worth. But, a few simple adjustments can take HO...
How many hours per week does it take to be a successful real estate investor? The answer on today’s episode might surprise you. Today we’re sitting down with Elliot Smith, a real estate investor from Washington State ...
After tremendous research, the “MoneyType” quiz was finally released. All you need to do is answer some basic questions, and in a matter of minutes, you’ll know your biggest financial strengths and burdens, the money ...
Many people buy rental properties for the cash flow, but today’s guest took it to another level—dropping out of college to go all-in on real estate investing. Find out how he brings in several thousand dollars of prof...
7X-ing her income by leaving a so-so job to flip houses!
Today’s guest is Kara Beckmann, a rehabber and rental property investor who’s tearing it up in Scottsdale, Ariz., and on her Instagram page @beckmannhouse.
Want to step out of your business and finally gain the freedom to think more strategically? Let Jefferson Lilly show you how!
Jefferson is a mobile home park investor, who went from sleeping on an air mattress on-s...