$50,000 cash flow from ONE rental!? Not many properties will give you this kind of return in today’s housing market, but this investor beat his competition to an innovative investing strategy, and it’s paying huge div...
Want financial freedom? We’re not talking about buying yachts, private planes, or million-dollar sports cars. We mean REAL financial freedom. The freedom that lets you work where you want, when you want, and spend tim...
“Get rich slowly” is a concept that most people in the FIRE community can get behind. “Time off,” on the other hand, seems to go against the idea of grinding to financial independence now and waiting until later in li...
Travel hacking allows you to see the world for less than you spend at home. That’s right. If you took your rent or mortgage payment in the US and traded it for traveling abroad, you could live off far less money and d...
Want to know how to make $100 a day the easy way? We’ve got the queen of side hustles, Jackie Mitchell, on the show to share the most legit, low-effort, flexible side hustles you can try today to start making money to...
Going from house poor to earning HUGE cash flow and building a real estate empire? The journey to wealth through real estate was no walk in the park for today’s special guest. After figuring out that someone else woul...
Growing a real estate business with multiple rentals and HUGE cash flow…in just two years!? How do you get so many deals done in such little time? Simply by putting one foot in front of the other, today’s guest was ab...
Have you ever had analysis paralysis? Maybe you have it right now and that’s why you’re listening to this episode! Kyle and Lauren Clugston would call that “productive procrastination”, and the only way to get out of ...