It’s the season for housing market predictions, and we know who to call! Altos Research and HousingWire’s Mike Simonsen joins the show to share where his team thinks mortgage rates, home prices, housing inventory, and...
The rental market could finally be returning to stability after a wild past four years. Since 2020, we’ve seen rent prices skyrocket almost overnight, with huge asking price increases for single-family homes, multifam...
Rent prices have come down to earth after their meteoric growth of 2020 - 2022, but what will they do in 2025? Will we continue to see slow (or no) rent price growth, or could lower interest rates push more households...
Whether you know it or not, “shrinkflation” is costing you. You’re paying more for less, as manufacturers boast record profits. Your paycheck is getting eaten away faster and faster every month, but you’re left with t...
Multifamily real estate has crashed, but we’re not at the bottom yet. With more debt coming due, expenses rising, incomes falling, and owners feeling desperate, there’s only so much longer that these high multifamily ...
The US economy has survived the past few years surprisingly well. But there's one huge threat on the horizon no one is watching. With layoffs and bankruptcies already starting to tick up, a new wave of misfortune coul...
Starting your first or next business? This episode is for you. Today, we’re bringing you everything you need to know about small business taxes for beginners. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur, partner, landlord, hou...
Want to get into short-term rentals in 2025? Your first step is to find the right Airbnb market for you. But we know that wading through 20,000 US towns and cities can be overwhelming, which is why we’re turning to ou...
Let’s say you’ve got $40,000 to invest. You could split the money into two down payments and buy more properties or partner with someone with money and build a bigger real estate portfolio. But even though you CAN do ...
Today's episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast is different than any other we've done, and probably not one to listen to with the kids in the car. Today we're talking with Justin Escajeda, who overcame a life of crime, ...