Did you know you can invest in real estate using funds you’ve probably forgotten about? For years, you’ve been socking away money into your IRA or 401(k) to ensure an abundant retirement. The problem? You’ve only been...
Financial freedom isn’t important until your life flashes before your eyes. When everything could end, thoughts of your partner, children, and family come to mind, and most notably, what you left behind for them. Pash...
Too busy to buy rental properties? After this episode, you won’t have any more excuses. Brandon and Dani Tilson started building their rental property portfolio just under a year and a half ago and have already acquir...
You’ve built a sizable rental property portfolio; now, it’s time to relax. You book a trip to the beach, get on your swimsuit, and are about to head out the door, but then, your tenant calls you. “The toilet is leakin...
Ever wanted to know how Mark Cuban, Richard Branson, and Warren Buffett seem to invest with ease? Or how you can leverage and measure your risk to make billionaire financial decisions?
On this episode, Stig Broders...
Don’t know how to analyze a rental property? After this episode, you’ll be a rental property analysis pro, knowing exactly how much money you’ll make on your first, second, or next real estate investment. But don’t wo...
Finishing a triathlon is a grueling achievement, only accomplished by those who are in peak physical and mental condition. Once finished, the top of the top go on to train for an Ironman, arguably the toughest triathl...
Today’s guest grew up poor, living in a cabin without power or running water. But now he controls millions of dollars in real estate, owns several companies, and leads one of the country’s top-producing sales teams.Ho...
Want to build a million-dollar real estate portfolio? We’ve got good news for you! You DON’T have to rush full-steam ahead, buying every property that crosses your path to reach financial freedom. That’s right, instea...
Going from house poor to earning HUGE cash flow and building a real estate empire? The journey to wealth through real estate was no walk in the park for today’s special guest. After figuring out that someone else woul...