Your first rental property is out there; it just may not be where you live. Austin Wolff came to this conclusion quickly. After paying his “cheap” rent of $1,600 per month for a small place in Los Angeles, he knew he ...
What if you could not only replace but make MUCH more than your W2 salary with real estate investing? Now, imagine you could do it all in just two years. Sounds impossible, right? Today’s guest did precisely that, wit...
Why does this veteran real estate investor say that early retirement and financial freedom are a bad idea? Why does he think renting, NOT buying a house, makes more sense for most Americans in 2025? And what’s the one...
Is it a good time to invest in real estate? Yes, and we have proof that real estate may be underpriced, even as we hover around the most expensive average home prices in history. How can real estate be undervalued whe...
Is it a good time to invest in real estate? Yes, and we have proof that real estate may be underpriced, even as we hover around the most expensive average home prices in history. How can real estate be undervalued whe...
Do we focus too much on just one type of wealth? What if the key to a happy life isn’t retiring early, ascending the corporate ladder, or having more money than you know what to do with? Serial entrepreneur Sahil Bloo...
Imagine making $1,500,000 on one regular real estate deal. We’re not talking about a huge apartment complex or commercial real estate investment. $1,500,000 on a single-family home purchase. How is that even possible?...
Most real estate investors do a few deals a year if they’re lucky. But today’s guest was doing twenty to thirty real estate deals a MONTH. That’s right—not per YEAR, per MONTH. And he did it all while scaling his real...
Did you know you can invest in real estate using funds you’ve probably forgotten about? For years, you’ve been socking away money into your IRA or 401(k) to ensure an abundant retirement. The problem? You’ve only been...
Retirement is always some far-off goal. When you’re older and much more wealthy, you can live the golden years of your life without a care in the world. The problem? None of us know how much time we have left, how hea...