Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Should you use a HELOC to buy investment property? Would we use home equity to retire? When is it time to sell a performing property and exchange it for a more expensive one? If you’ve got home equity, this episode co...
Are we in a recession? Are we headed for a recession? No one knows for certain, but you can never be too prepared for an economic downturn. Are you saving money? Do you have a plan in the event you lose your job? In t...
From bankruptcy to financial freedom in just ten years?! Today’s guest is living proof that past money mistakes don’t disqualify you from building wealth with real estate. Whether you’re neck-deep in debt or strugglin...
For years, we’ve been told that lower mortgage rates could reignite homebuyer demand and help improve affordability so first-time homebuyers (or even rookie landlords) can finally buy their first property. But, with m...
Why do many wealthy people wait so long to retire? Despite earning a physician’s salary, living frugally, and saving what most would call “more than enough” money, today’s guest worked for another four years before pu...
This rookie investor decided that instead of purchasing her own home, she’d buy rental properties in other areas, helping offset her high cost of living. Within just around a year, Mary Ho has bought a run-down proper...
Is it a good time to invest in real estate? Yes, and we have proof that real estate may be underpriced, even as we hover around the most expensive average home prices in history. How can real estate be undervalued whe...
Is it a good time to invest in real estate? Yes, and we have proof that real estate may be underpriced, even as we hover around the most expensive average home prices in history. How can real estate be undervalued whe...
Do you have fears and insecurities that hold you back from the life you envision? No? OK, well we'll see you next week... But really: this topic gets to the heart of why so many real estate investors quit, fail, or ne...