You probably already know who Humphrey Yang is, and even if you don’t, there’s a good chance you’ve seen one of his YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram videos. A few years ago, Humphrey’s internet presence was almost non-ex...
Would you buy multifamily real estate now? Asset prices are falling, mortgage rates are still high, banks aren’t taking on new loans, and every real estate “expert” thinks that the multifamily space is full of dead de...
Today’s guest makes up to $100,000 per year, PER investment, by buying businesses. Yep, you heard that right. We’re not talking about a few hundred bucks a month in cash flow like most rental properties get you. Inste...
You want to retire early, so you come up with a plan. “I’m going to buy ten rental properties and call it quits, then I’ll never have to work again.” Within a decade, you’ve got your ten rental properties, but now you...
Once you hit Coast FI, you don’t need to worry about retirement. While traditional FIRE may take a bit more extra work, Coast FI allows you to let your foot off the gas and enjoy life NOW, knowing that you’ll be set f...
The combination of saving money and buying rentals is a recipe for reaching financial independence much faster than you thought possible. Just ask today’s guest, who started with tens of thousands of dollars in debt b...
So you want to start investing in real estate but have ZERO experience. What should you do? The good news is that even if you don’t know how to invest in real estate, you can get started relatively quickly, especially...
Want to replace your nine-to-five? You'll need to know how to buy a business. And while you may think that you need to be some high-level executive or business-building savant, the reality is that TONS of profitable b...
Want to make over a million dollars a year? Real estate may be the best way to get there. Just follow the same steps Dean Rogers took. In just a decade, Dean went from making $65,000 per year to over a million dollars...
Significant other not sharing your enthusiasm for real estate? Maybe you have dreams of buying your first property or going full-time with a real estate business, but your partner isn’t on board. You’re not alone! The...