House hacking, renting by the room, co-living, boarding houses? These are all things that author, investor, real estate agent, and expert hacker of houses, Craig Curelop, is used to. Craig got his start in real estate...
Feeling like you're in uncharted territory as a landlord? You're in good company!
Today's show walks you through how to ethically and profitably manage rentals through the COVID-19 outbreak and beyond.
Brandon a...
Today: a no-excuses, American Dream story that will get you fired up to go hunt down a deal!
Thach Nguyen is an investor and agent in the Seattle, Washington area. When he was a kid, his family fled Vietnam for the...
If you’re new to personal finance, investment accounts can seem complicated. The terms, the lingo—HSA, Roth, IRA, 401(k)—these may seem like letters in an arbitrary order, but using these retirement and investment acc...
What is ARV in real estate? You’ve heard the term before but might not know what it means. ARV stands for after repair value, the value of a property AFTER you rehab, renovate, or upgrade it. While this metric may see...
If you want to reach financial freedom, knowing how to save money is crucial. Today, Mindy and Kyle deliver some special tips that will help you save on housing, food, travel, and other common money categories in 2024...
You’re planning to move soon and are asking yourself, “Should I sell or rent my house?” What if you’ve got little-to-no cash flow potential? Is future appreciation worth betting on? Maybe you need to renovate before y...
Does the four-percent rule actually work? On paper, yes. So why don’t more people put it to the test? Today’s guest retired at forty-seven years old and is living proof that the math really does check out. Stay tuned ...
With 2024 right around the corner, it’s time for a final year-end tax planning push! There are all kinds of ways to pay less to the IRS, and today’s guest is here to help you save as much money as possible!
Screening tenants is a necessary but expensive part of real estate investing. In some cases, property managers charge as much as one month’s rent to place a tenant. What if there was a way to build a pool of high-qual...