Can you really be a one-income family in 2024? Not if you don’t know how to budget! To achieve her money goals while living on a single middle-class income, Emy knew she had to take control of her finances and seize a...
Want a successful, cash-flowing rental property? Make sure you don’t overlook the tenant screening process or hire the “cheap” contractor. Otherwise, you could be dealing with floods, evictions, project delays, and ot...
You want to invest in real estate, but you don’t have the money. Are you out of luck? Good news—money is NOT a dealbreaker. There are several levers you can pull to get the capital you need, and today’s guest is going...
Buying small multifamily properties is an easy way to build a portfolio, and with a little creativity, you don’t even need a ton of money! Despite a rocky start to his real estate journey, today’s guest was able to ta...
Knowing how to get a mortgage is a crucial step in your journey to buy a rental property. Of course, the money side of things can be intimidating. How do you find a lender? What type of mortgage do you need? When shou...
Anyone can buy rentals, whether you have some money to deploy or very little to your name. With seemingly everything working against her, today’s guest managed to buy not one, not two, but THREE properties to support ...
Should you move to invest in real estate? Perhaps you’re stranded in a pricey market or an area with unfavorable landlord-tenant laws. Depending on your career, you could earn a HUGE pay bump at your day job and disco...
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Do you want to get into real estate without managing rentals and dealing with tenants? Passive real estate investing could be the answer...
Would you move abroad to reach FI faster? That wasn’t Brooklin Nash’s original goal when he left the US and began freelancing from afar. But now, years later, he realizes how much of a leg up he has financially by goi...
30 real estate deals in two years, starting with very little money, AND doing it all while working a nine-to-five? After listening to Tim Yu, you’ll have no excuse NOT to invest in real estate. He’s done it all: house...