The easiest way to supercharge your real estate portfolio? Host your own real estate meetups to build your network! If that sounds intimidating, you’re not alone! Many rookies let their lack of experience or fear of n...
A small real estate portfolio that replaces your entire W2 income!? Many rookies assume that becoming a full-time investor is only possible after amassing a large portfolio with dozens of properties, but that’s not th...
If your end goal is financial freedom, investing in real estate is one of the best ways to get there. But, if you want to reach that goal sooner rather than later, you may need to leverage several strategies at once. ...
You can retire with rental properties faster than you think. That’s right, toss out the “wait until I’m sixty-five and HOPE I have enough” mentality. That might be okay for most Americans, but it’s NOT okay for YOU. Y...
Tyler and Jenna need to know how to retire in ten years or less so they can spend less time working and more time with their family. The problem? They’re spending more than $10,000 monthly in expenses, and even with a...
If you want to reach early retirement, especially in your thirties, you’ll need to take some big risks. Today’s guest turned down what would have been a dream salary to many people, choosing to work for himself while ...
Do you dream of building a real estate empire and reaching financial independence but stop short due to the “tenants and toilets” problem? The irony wasn't lost on twenty-nine-year-old Dillon Leonard when a renter acc...
The rental market could finally be returning to stability after a wild past four years. Since 2020, we’ve seen rent prices skyrocket almost overnight, with huge asking price increases for single-family homes, multifam...
The road to financial independence isn’t always linear, but stoicism might be the secret ingredient that keeps you on track. This ancient philosophy gets a bad rap, but with its framework as your financial “operating ...
Heather Blankenship has made $10,000,000 alone from just one RV park investment. She got into it with no money and zero experience. While pregnant with her first child, Heather answered the phones, paid the bills, lai...