Personal finance doesn’t have to be complicated. Saving, investing, and retiring early shouldn’t be a stumbling path to wealth, but many Americans feel this way. So, to clear up some of the money misconceptions, we’re...
The BiggerPockets podcast has quite a diverse group of guests that come on the show. We’ve had writers, speakers, businesspeople, and actors, but this may be the first rapper we’ve had with us. Chris Greenwood AKA Man...
On today’s show, a married couple who scaled to 5,000 units together!
Brandon and David interview Mark and Tamiel Kenney, a husband and wife team who buy large apartment complexes through the power of syndication. ...
Mike Baum owns just one rental property, but this one property alone has changed his life. It’s allowed him to become such an investing expert that he’s constantly being asked for his opinion on the BiggerPockets foru...
Want to make money in real estate investing, EVEN during 2024’s harsh housing market? It’s easier than you might think—and we’ve got the proof. We brought expert investors Ashley Kehr and Henry Washington on to the sh...
Jason Lee owns more rental properties than most full-time real estate investors. But, he didn’t do this by investing after the last housing crash, inheriting millions from his parents, or buying a hundred-unit apartme...
The FIRE community is notorious for chasing early retirement at all costs. Many search for creative ways to earn more money and spend less of it, only to end up hating the journey. If you’ve ever felt burnt out or dis...
The US economy has survived the past few years surprisingly well. But there's one huge threat on the horizon no one is watching. With layoffs and bankruptcies already starting to tick up, a new wave of misfortune coul...
Most people pursuing financial independence own businesses or have stable jobs, working as hard as they can to make any extra dollar, throwing their money into the stock market or real estate, and betting on the econo...
Want to learn how to create generational wealth? You know, the type of wealth that your children’s children’s children’s children can rely on. The type of wealth that allows your family to live a life of financial fre...