Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Reaching financial independence and becoming a millionaire before the age of thirty?! While this path requires several years of ruthless saving, smart investing, and unwavering discipline, there’s no reason why YOU ca...
Real estate investing is one of the best vehicles for building wealth, reaching financial independence, and saving for retirement, but you don’t need to become a full-time investor to reap the benefits. If you have no...
Should you sell your house or keep it as a rental property in 2024? What you do with your home today could create a million-dollar swing in your portfolio ten, twenty, or thirty years from now. Fortunately, we’ve deve...
Why does this veteran real estate investor say that early retirement and financial freedom are a bad idea? Why does he think renting, NOT buying a house, makes more sense for most Americans in 2025? And what’s the one...
A $100K "exotic plant" side hustle to over $2 million in real estate? The truth is that you can use virtually any side hustle to help kickstart your real estate journey—whether you need capital to invest or want the e...
Coast FI by 32 after racking up $20K in credit card debt only a few years earlier!? However unlikely this turn of events might seem, the truth is that any money story can be turned on its head with a little financial ...
Want to learn from two guys who have weathered several real estate market cycles and come out on top?
You’re in the right place! In this episode, Brandon and David sit down with Russell Gray and Robert Helms, longt...
Today’s guest grew up poor, living in a cabin without power or running water. But now he controls millions of dollars in real estate, owns several companies, and leads one of the country’s top-producing sales teams.Ho...
Want to build massive wealth in a top-end rental market that’s also really expensive—all while minimizing your risk? Don’t we all!
Well, you’re in luck, because today’s guest has done just that—and in a surprisingl...