Need flexible funding for your deals? Private money could be the answer. Whether you’re looking to dodge the bank or want greater control over the terms of your deal, that’s exactly what this creative finance option c...
Investing in real estate can build you massive wealth. And here’s the secret no one wants to tell you: it isn’t all that hard. But before you jump to conclusions and call real estate a get-rich-quick scheme, let’s lay...
This eighteen and twenty-two year old are on track to reach financial freedom by the age of thirty. And if you think that you can’t make big money moves because you don’t have the experience, resources, or income to b...
Want to know how to start an LLC for real estate? Whether you’re looking to form investing partnerships or avoid being sued, creating an LLC is one way to protect your personal name and assets. With that said, there a...
Do you dream of hitting financial independence before the age of fifty, forty, or even thirty? In this episode, we’re joined by two of the SheeksFreaks community’s finest—a pair of scrappy entrepreneurs who decided to...
Multifamily real estate has crashed, but we’re not at the bottom yet. With more debt coming due, expenses rising, incomes falling, and owners feeling desperate, there’s only so much longer that these high multifamily ...
If you want to know how to invest in real estate, you’re in the right place. Today, we’re going to break down the nine beginner steps to getting your first or next rental property so you can start building wealth, mak...
Before you buy your first rental property, you’ll need to choose a real estate market. If you’re like many Americans, your own backyard may not offer what you want out of an investing area. So, where do you go to find...
Want to know how to start an Airbnb business? If you find the right deal and build an all-star team, you could squeeze a TON of cash flow from just one rental. And we’ve got the perfect guest to show you the ropes!
Getting a home equity line of credit (HELOC) is one of the easiest ways to leverage your home equity and buy your first rental property. But what is the best way to use one? Are there any drawbacks? After today’s deep...