You can retire with rental properties faster than you think. That’s right, toss out the “wait until I’m sixty-five and HOPE I have enough” mentality. That might be okay for most Americans, but it’s NOT okay for YOU. Y...
In this episode, we’re sharing two of the real estate markets we’re investing in NOW. One you may have heard of and one you probably haven’t. Both have strong long-term fundamentals, a sizable renter population, and m...
The multifamily and commercial real estate crash seems to be nearing its end, which means some incredible buying opportunities are on the way. Big apartment owners have been decimated after their occupancy rates dropp...
How can you use your retirement accounts to reach FIRE faster? We’ve talked a lot about the “middle-class trap”—having too much of your net worth trapped in your retirement accounts and home equity—and we may have the...
Can’t fund your next rental property? Never let a little money get in the way of a great deal! When today’s guest didn’t have the cash to buy the property of her dreams, she negotiated a MASSIVE discount and used crea...
Discounted real estate deals could be coming THIS winter as the housing market begins to “thaw.” Today, Dave is flying solo, bringing you a housing market update on all the crucial factors real estate investors are lo...
Did you know you can invest in real estate using funds you’ve probably forgotten about? For years, you’ve been socking away money into your IRA or 401(k) to ensure an abundant retirement. The problem? You’ve only been...
You’ve built a sizable rental property portfolio; now, it’s time to relax. You book a trip to the beach, get on your swimsuit, and are about to head out the door, but then, your tenant calls you. “The toilet is leakin...
Financial freedom with only a handful of rental properties!? So many real estate investors are convinced that amassing units is the key to bigger profits, but the truth is that a strategy involving fewer doors can be ...
Rental properties and early retirement go together like peanut butter and jelly. If you want to leave your nine-to-five behind, make six figures, and have ultimate time freedom, real estate investing may be your best ...