Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Have you ever made a poor financial decision? You’re not alone! But can a bad blunder disqualify you from FIRE? Today’s guest made a huge investment at the worst possible time, a move that had consequences a decade la...
The IRA vs. 401(k). You’ve heard of these retirement accounts before, but do you know the difference between the two? Maybe you have a 401(k) at work and have been diligently getting your employer match but struggle t...
For years, we’ve been told that lower mortgage rates could reignite homebuyer demand and help improve affordability so first-time homebuyers (or even rookie landlords) can finally buy their first property. But, with m...
Everyone wants to become “work-optional” at some point. Having enough money in investments and the bank would allow you to choose the job you love most, whether that’s running your own business, working part-time, or ...
This rookie has grown his real estate portfolio to seven properties, $5,000 in monthly cash flow, and over $1 million in total equity in just SIX years. His strategy isn’t flashy or sexy, but it’s highly repeatable. E...
The multifamily and commercial real estate crash seems to be nearing its end, which means some incredible buying opportunities are on the way. Big apartment owners have been decimated after their occupancy rates dropp...
Here on The BiggerPockets Podcast we spend a lot of time talking about buying properties… but what about needing to sell them? How does someone get top dollar and get their home sold fast? Well today on the Podcast we...
Many people buy real estate hoping to make great cash flow. But all too often that cash flow is quickly eaten away by a silent but deadly thief. In this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, Josh and Brandon sit down ...
Many people dream of achieving financial freedom, but how many actually get there? Today on The BiggerPockets Podcast, you’ll meet one man who did just that. Austin Fruechting began buying rental properties less than ...