Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Rent's due... or is it?
From quarantines to eviction moratoriums to a plummeting stock market, COVID-19 has upended seemingly everything -- and today we talk through what it all means for real estate investors.
The 2023 holiday shopping season is here, and you know what that means…gifts, trips, and LOTS of spending. If you love the holiday season but are more into frugal festivities, we have just the episode for you. Whether...
Today’s guest grew up poor, living in a cabin without power or running water. But now he controls millions of dollars in real estate, owns several companies, and leads one of the country’s top-producing sales teams.Ho...
Alex Preziosi wants to reach financial independence by the age of forty-five, and with several hundred thousand dollars in retirement accounts, brokerage accounts, and savings, she’s on pace to do just that. But now, ...
Build a deal machine to fuel your business and keep the leads coming!
On today’s show, Brandon and David sit down with Adam Johnson and Brent Moreno, two wholesalers running a business that fuels their investment...
t the age of twenty-seven, this “rookie” has already completed over 100 real estate deals. The key to her success? She’s been in real estate since she was just seventeen years old. Seriously! By starting early and tak...
Financing rental properties is a common roadblock that prevents many rookies from investing in real estate, but finding a great lender doesn’t have to be difficult! We’ve got some timely tips, tricks, and tools that w...
Some people are born into wealth, but none are born into success. Success needs to be earned, through pain, hard work, and perseverance.
Patrick Bet-David came to the United States during the Iranian Revolution of ...
Marriage and money are known for mixing like oil and water, but a little financial knowledge will allow you to navigate these sensitive issues with confidence. Today’s guest is an expert on this front and is here to e...