Home renovations can substantially increase your equity and cash flow on a rental property, but when doing one, there are two key things you need to pay attention to: budgets and timelines. Today, rookie real estate i...
From "bad drug dealer" in his youth... to earning a master's degree, then jumping into real estate at age 36 and crushing his first deal!
Today, Marcus Maloney shares his wild ride in Part 1 of two episodes this we...
Will the housing market crash? If you’re like most Americans, the economy is starting to feel a bit unsettling. But, with so many homeowners locked into low mortgage rates or owning their homes outright, is there even...
If you want to start investing in real estate and buy your first rental property, there are six beginner steps you’ll need to take. Following these steps to a tee could mean the difference between having a home-run fi...
Why are David and Rob selling off parts of their rental portfolios? It’s a new season, and you know what that means—spring cleaning! And if you’ve got underperforming properties, a real estate business that’s just tre...
Want to retire early? You don’t have to wait until age sixty-five. With a few cash-flowing assets and smart money moves, you could accelerate your path to retirement and enjoy your riches much sooner than you thought ...
The road to financial independence isn’t always linear, but stoicism might be the secret ingredient that keeps you on track. This ancient philosophy gets a bad rap, but with its framework as your financial “operating ...
You can take your time to reach financial independence, but why wait? With a combination of hard work, savvy investing, and additional income streams, today’s guest reached FI by the age of twenty-eight. In this episo...
You did it; you achieved FIRE! After over a decade of hard work, you’ve reached financial independence and can retire early. You’re making more money than you spend from passive income, work-optional, and life is good...
After a strong case of “mommy guilt” working as an assistant principal, pregnant with her second child, Deba Douglas knew she needed a way out of the rat race. A run-in with Rich Dad Poor Dad prompted her to begin sav...