Can’t invest in your own backyard? Out-of-state investing is the way to go! With it, you can invest nationwide, finding more cash flow or appreciation potential than you would in your local area. But managing a rental...
Do you want an asset that offers a TON of cash flow? Multiple income streams? How about forced appreciation? Today, we’ll introduce you to an often-overlooked investing strategy that has something for everyone!
In ...
Has the Airbnb market become TOO saturated? It might not matter if you can rise above the competition and make your property stand out like Katie Cline did. Thanks to luxury amenities, personalized touches, and an unf...
Real estate investing may not see an opportunity like this for years. We’re in one of the wildest economic periods: mortgage rates are high, inflation has cooled, stock prices are hitting records, and the housing supp...
Want to know how to start a business? One that will help you reach financial freedom, find purpose, and give you more opportunity to spend time with your family? Those are the reasons why almost all of us get into rea...
Financial astrology. Yep, it exists. Traders and investors have been using the science behind the stars to predict prices and market movement for centuries. But is there really a correlation between the planets and yo...
It’s understandable why so many real estate investors don’t want to partner up. I mean, who wants to split half of a rent check with someone else? This can seem especially true when you’re just starting and every cent...
Profitable on-market properties are all around you, you just need to take the time to look. Oh, we hear what you’re saying, “all those on-market properties are bad deals!” While not all properties sitting on the MLS a...
People often tell each other to “stay positive” in light of grim circumstances or hard times. This consistent positivity can feel forced when going through something truly terrifying, but it’s exactly what helped Jeff...
The average journey of a real estate investor tends to go something like this: buy a house, use profits to reinvest into another house, buy a duplex here and there, and buy another house again. Does this sound like yo...