With some often overlooked home renovations, you could boost your property’s value by tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars. But which home renovations have the best bang for your buck? We’ve got pro house fl...
Learn how to become a millionaire with real estate EVEN in 2024. You’re trying to make big wealth-building moves this year, but how do you reach seven figures without any real estate experience? Thankfully, you don’t ...
Real estate investing and contracting go hand in hand, but not many investors are bold enough to tackle their own home renovations. Today’s guest is, however, and he’s about to show you the business model he uses to c...
Want to retire early? You don’t have to wait until age sixty-five. With a few cash-flowing assets and smart money moves, you could accelerate your path to retirement and enjoy your riches much sooner than you thought ...
Are high interest rates and large down payments stopping you from investing in real estate? If so, creative finance might be precisely what you need. It’s what today’s guest, Ankit Lodha, used to go from zero rental p...
Should you sell your house or keep it as a rental property in 2024? What you do with your home today could create a million-dollar swing in your portfolio ten, twenty, or thirty years from now. Fortunately, we’ve deve...
What’s the best way to build wealth in 2024? For many, it’s “value-add” real estate investing. You might know what this is, but you may have never heard the term before. Value-add investing is when you buy investment ...
“Should I refinance my home NOW or wait?” If you have bought a property in the past two years, every day looks like a better and better time to refinance your mortgage. After the Fed’s big rate cut last month, mortgag...
This rookie has grown his real estate portfolio to seven properties, $5,000 in monthly cash flow, and over $1 million in total equity in just SIX years. His strategy isn’t flashy or sexy, but it’s highly repeatable. E...
How can you use your retirement accounts to reach FIRE faster? We’ve talked a lot about the “middle-class trap”—having too much of your net worth trapped in your retirement accounts and home equity—and we may have the...