Having limited lung capacity while playing college basketball seems almost impossible. But, like almost everything else in Nolan Gottlieb’s life, he pushed through it to accomplish his dreams. Hard work and determinat...
WARNING: We’re sorry, but there is no way you’ll be able to listen to today’s show without taking MASSIVE ACTION immediately after! Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast, Josh and Brandon bring you 22 (and a half) of the...
If you want to start investing in real estate, you’ll need to know how to get a mortgage. But with so many home loans available, which is the right one to pick? Do you go FHA or conventional? Do you work with your loc...
Today’s guest needs no introduction, but this would look funny without one, so here we go! Today on The BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down with Tim Ferriss, author of #1 New York Times Bestseller The Four Hour Work We...
Want to build a cash flowing portfolio while working a full time job?
Today’s guest did just that! Steve Rosenberg shares his incredible story of how he built a huge property management company (along with several ...
Amanda Young stumbled into real estate. After being let go from a job, dealing with a family emergency, and homeschooling her son, Amanda knew that she had to find a way to provide for her family, but also allow her t...
Sometimes the best real estate books aren’t about real estate at all. Or at least, that’s what Brandon and David found out. After rummaging through their bookshelves, Brandon and David decided to give listeners their ...
What’s YOUR reason for investing in real estate? For today’s guest, it was to achieve financial freedom and have a flexible schedule. By focusing on education, forming partnerships, and, most importantly, taking actio...
Over 400 episodes, we've absorbed a lot of hard-won real estate investing wisdom from our guests. Pretty tough to boil down to 10 concepts... but that's exactly what Brandon and David set out to do on today's show!
Wealth is not an accident, it’s a choice. And on today’s powerful episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast, you’ll learn exactly how to make that choice each and every day. We’re excited to bring back two return guests, H...