Personal finance doesn’t have to be complicated. Saving, investing, and retiring early shouldn’t be a stumbling path to wealth, but many Americans feel this way. So, to clear up some of the money misconceptions, we’re...
In this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we talk about a subject many investors debate about: investing in OLD properties. Today’s guest, Dana Bull, has filled her portfolio with properties over 100 years -- and ...
Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast, you’ll hear from Chris Gill, a real estate investor in the San Antonio market who has only been investing for three years but has already done over 30 deals -- mostly fix and flips....
The climate crisis is already here, and the cost of real estate is being directly affected. Insurance premiums are skyrocketing, costs to build are rising, and your reserves need to be bigger than ever. Tornados, hurr...