How do you know if a rental property will make enough cash flow before you buy? Budgeting is KEY. When breaking down a deal, it’s critical that you account for the costs of all capital expenditures (CapEx), maintenanc...
Are you looking to grow your real estate portfolio and build wealth faster? There’s a tax “loophole” that allows you to sell your property and roll your equity (and profits) into a bigger and better rental property—al...
Do you need more money to buy your first rental property? Fortunately, there are all kinds of real estate side hustles you can use to supercharge your savings, all while learning the ropes of real estate investing. An...
Tom Brady is the GOAT (greatest of all time). But that makes his performance coach, Greg Harden, the GCOAT (greatest coach of all time). Greg has been coaching elite athletes like Tom Brady, Michael Phelps, and Desmon...
First rental property? Security deposits, credit checks, and home renovations can seem DAUNTING when it’s your first real estate rodeo. How much do you charge, which tenant do you select, and will refreshing the grout...
Keleisha Carter built a $5K/month passive income stream as a new immigrant with NO green card, money, or ability to get a mortgage. After realizing that her corporate job in Jamaica wouldn’t lead her to where she want...
Real estate investing is great…sometimes. Other times, it’s NOT fun to be a real estate investor. While the pros, like financial freedom, generational wealth, and passive income definitely outweigh the cons, there are...
Most people get turnkey real estate investing all wrong. They either think it’s a completely hands-off investment like stocks or that all turnkey real estate companies offer the same product. Both of these assumptions...
Real estate CRMs (customer relationship management) aren’t the most exciting things to talk about…that is until you look at the results they help build. Before building her own CRM, Stephanie Betters was struggling to...
Most financial advisors aren’t what they seem. They paint themselves as stewards of your financial security, carefully analyzing every investment they put your money into. But that’s far from the truth. Many financial...