If you want to reach early retirement, especially in your thirties, you’ll need to take some big risks. Today’s guest turned down what would have been a dream salary to many people, choosing to work for himself while ...
For years, we’ve been told that lower mortgage rates could reignite homebuyer demand and help improve affordability so first-time homebuyers (or even rookie landlords) can finally buy their first property. But, with m...
Are there “clues” that point to phenomenal real estate investing areas? We mean the areas nobody knew about until it was too late. The neighborhoods that seem to jump in price overnight, and everyone ends up saying, “...
Want to invest in real estate but feel like you don’t have everything it takes? You know you need money for a down payment, skills to manage tenants/perform renovations, and time to find the deals in the first place. ...
“Should I refinance my home NOW or wait?” If you have bought a property in the past two years, every day looks like a better and better time to refinance your mortgage. After the Fed’s big rate cut last month, mortgag...
You’ve been lied to about affordable housing. Most people will either tell you it’s impossible to buy an affordable home or that those buying affordable homes are outright stupid. The term “affordable” has been correl...
Financial freedom with only a handful of rental properties!? So many real estate investors are convinced that amassing units is the key to bigger profits, but the truth is that a strategy involving fewer doors can be ...
Want to reach FIRE long before you’re sixty-five? If you make a decent income, invest diligently, and watch your spending, you STILL could fall into the “trap” most FIRE-chasers find themselves in. By making one BIG m...
Want to retire early? Real estate investing might be your best bet. Looking to boost your cash flow and expand your real estate portfolio, too? In today’s show, we’re sharing how to use home equity to build wealth the...
You want to retire early, so you come up with a plan. “I’m going to buy ten rental properties and call it quits, then I’ll never have to work again.” Within a decade, you’ve got your ten rental properties, but now you...