t the age of twenty-seven, this “rookie” has already completed over 100 real estate deals. The key to her success? She’s been in real estate since she was just seventeen years old. Seriously! By starting early and tak...
Do you want to buy a rental property in 2025 but fear money could get in the way? Putting 15%-20% down is a huge hurdle for new investors, but there are several strategies you can use to limit your expenses, grow your...
Alex Preziosi wants to reach financial independence by the age of forty-five, and with several hundred thousand dollars in retirement accounts, brokerage accounts, and savings, she’s on pace to do just that. But now, ...
Want to build a thriving real estate business in 2025? There’s a major mindset shift you need to make if you want to be successful in today’s market. Whether you want a couple of cash-flowing rental properties or drea...
Do you lean into data when analyzing real estate deals? In a competitive market, ANY kind of advantage goes a long way towards helping you land better deals. And guess what? Harnessing the power of data is much easier...
Buying a house, maxing out your 401(k), and leveraging real estate can help you achieve financial independence. But suppose your goal is to retire early. Could relying too heavily on these principles actually delay ea...
Huge cash flow after selling most of your real estate portfolio!? Many rookies assume that having more doors equates to more profit, but that’s not always the case. The truth is, if you start identifying the best inve...
Have you ever considered flipping houses for cash but aren’t sure where to start? If so, today’s episode is perfect for you! Brandon and David interview Steven Pesavento, a long distance flipper who’s doing 75 deals a...
Terrified of running out of money in retirement? Countless people share the same fear. With so much recent discourse surrounding inflation and a looming recession, you may have a tighter grip on your money than usual....
If your end goal is financial freedom, investing in real estate is one of the best ways to get there. But, if you want to reach that goal sooner rather than later, you may need to leverage several strategies at once. ...