Do you have a cash flow problem? Maybe property management fees are setting you back, or you’re spending too much on repairs and maintenance. Today, we’re bringing you a powerful solution that will not only solve your...
If you know how to create multiple streams of income, you can build wealth FAST. Thankfully, real estate has dozens (if not hundreds) of ways to make money, and there’s a good chance that what you’re doing right now i...
Todd retired early at age forty-four, just three years after discovering the FIRE movement. The most interesting part? He quit without reaching his FIRE number. That’s right. After realizing he couldn’t go one more da...
You DON’T need to scale your real estate portfolio to start building wealth. Whether you own a single rental property or one hundred doors, the size of your portfolio isn’t as crucial as your ability to manage it. Tod...
Want to build your rental portfolio FAST? Today, we’re teaching you how to buy multiple rental properties per year, the best tips to raise rents while keeping tenant turnover low, and what to know before you start buy...
If you follow the almost unbelievable path of today’s guest, you, too, could achieve financial independence in your thirties. Would we recommend mimicking his strategy step-by-step? No! Because if you get it wrong, yo...
Ramit Sethi, the money and couples’ finances expert, is back! This time, he’s teaching you how to have life-changing money conversations with your partner so you can build a “rich life” together and even FIRE faster! ...
From over $300,000 in debt to a millionaire in just eight years?! No matter where you’re at, it’s never too late to get on the path to financial freedom. This entrepreneur is proof that a little discipline, frugality,...
Buying sixteen rental units in one market?! Today’s guest has discovered the perfect investing strategy for newbies. You don’t need a ton of money or resources, and you can use it over and over to buy your first, seco...
Want to know how to use your home equity to buy your next rental? You could be sitting on tens of thousands in potential funds that’ll make saving for the down payment MUCH easier. But first, you’ll need to know how m...