Wouldn’t it be nice if your home paid for itself? Every month, you throw a substantial sum of money towards your rent or mortgage payment, but what if you could live mortgage-free? With ADU investments, it’s more than...
Want to know how to start an Airbnb business? If you find the right deal and build an all-star team, you could squeeze a TON of cash flow from just one rental. And we’ve got the perfect guest to show you the ropes!
Want to pay ZERO taxes next year? If you own real estate or are building a portfolio, there’s a good chance that you can legally keep your profits away from Uncle Sam. But you’ll need one thing before you can do so. O...
Want to know how to make $100 a day in 2025, all while working from home? We brought the queen of side hustles, Jackie Mitchell, back on the show to share how her money-making journey has been going. Jackie set a goal...
Your first rental property is the hardest; trust us on that. You go through SO many strategies, different markets, and emotions throughout the process. Most wannabe investors get fed up and quit before they can build ...
This assistant principal slowly and steadily used home equity to invest, helping him acquire seven properties in just over ten years. These properties have now seen sizable appreciation, and he has hundreds of thousan...
Moving is hard. But could relocating to a low-cost-of-living area help you lead a more fulfilling life and achieve financial freedom? As today’s guest came to find out, the benefits of living in an affordable area oft...
House flipping can be incredibly profitable and fun -- but for many people, trying to make it work is next to impossible because of the high cost of homes. That’s why on this episode we’re excited to chat with Steve J...
Want to know how to invest $50K in real estate? We’re going to show you exactly how to do it, EVEN in 2024. You can use any of the four strategies we share to start investing in real estate with $50K or less, and you ...
On this episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down with an investor who's also a Grammy-nominated musician! Jeremy Jones has been acquiring rental properties in the Seattle metro area for several years, focusin...