You hear us talk a lot about buying real estate, but what real estate deals are WE doing in 2024? Today, we’re pulling back the curtain on our portfolios, walking you through actual deals we’re doing, how much they co...
Once you hit Coast FI, you don’t need to worry about retirement. While traditional FIRE may take a bit more extra work, Coast FI allows you to let your foot off the gas and enjoy life NOW, knowing that you’ll be set f...
Want to work less, make more, and do it all by spending as little as five dollars per hour? Great! You’ll need to know how to hire a virtual assistant for real estate investing. Doing so can free up hours (or even day...
Are you saving TOO much for retirement (or early retirement)? Could you retire years sooner than you think? Will retirement expenses be even less than what you spend now, allowing you to reach FIRE faster with a small...
As an investor, it’s easy to become fixated on cash flow, much like today’s guest at the start of his real estate journey. After realizing he was “house poor” with a mortgage payment larger than he could afford, Eric ...
You don’t have to race to financial independence to get there. Dave Meyer, VP of Market Intelligence at BiggerPockets, took his time building up passive income, and years later, it’s what has allowed him to amass impr...
Starting your first or next business? This episode is for you. Today, we’re bringing you everything you need to know about small business taxes for beginners. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur, partner, landlord, hou...
With a recession already underway, we're turning to an investor with 30 years of experience, 3,000-plus multifamily units acquired, and one of the sharpest minds in real estate.
Brian Burke is back today, and he si...
The 2024 housing market isn’t turning out how most of us thought. At the beginning of the year, real estate investors were hopeful that mortgage rates would fall, affordability would return, and home prices would have...
When interest rates rose, many investors stopped buying. But not Ryan Irwin. This rookie doubled down on real estate, choosing whichever investing strategy made the numbers work. Even in a tough housing market, Ryan’s...