Today: a no-excuses, American Dream story that will get you fired up to go hunt down a deal!
Thach Nguyen is an investor and agent in the Seattle, Washington area. When he was a kid, his family fled Vietnam for the...
It’s easy to get caught up in the world of residential real estate investing. Maybe buy a single-family buy-and-hold deal, or try and flip a house, or why not BRRRR? But, residential real estate comes with many challe...
Are you looking to grow your real estate portfolio and build wealth faster? There’s a tax “loophole” that allows you to sell your property and roll your equity (and profits) into a bigger and better rental property—al...
Do you need more money to buy your first rental property? Fortunately, there are all kinds of real estate side hustles you can use to supercharge your savings, all while learning the ropes of real estate investing. An...
Out-of-state real estate investing is making a comeback, becoming one of the best investing strategies of 2025. Why? Home prices in most coastal markets have exploded, forcing investors in pricey areas to look elsewhe...
Do you really need a real estate partnership for your deals? What are the benefits, and do they outweigh the risks? Well, it depends. The truth is that, while great partnerships will deliver value to both sides, bad p...
Tom Brady is the GOAT (greatest of all time). But that makes his performance coach, Greg Harden, the GCOAT (greatest coach of all time). Greg has been coaching elite athletes like Tom Brady, Michael Phelps, and Desmon...
Having your rental property stolen?! How is that possible? This would be a worst-case scenario for any investor, and it was nearly reality for today’s guest. Buckle up as we share one of the wildest real estate horror...
Real estate investing is great…sometimes. Other times, it’s NOT fun to be a real estate investor. While the pros, like financial freedom, generational wealth, and passive income definitely outweigh the cons, there are...
Most people get turnkey real estate investing all wrong. They either think it’s a completely hands-off investment like stocks or that all turnkey real estate companies offer the same product. Both of these assumptions...