Multifamily real estate is still offering some significant opportunities to investors—you just need to know where to look! Although the past two years have been rough for multifamily, with falling rents, rising intere...
Real estate investing could help you achieve your financial goals, whether it’s to make enough cash flow to replace your W2 income or build wealth for an early retirement. Like many, today’s guest is chasing financial...
Brandon Turner is back! That’s right, live from the Sea Shed are your beloved BiggerPockets hosts, Brandon and David! Can you feel the bromance brewing through your speakers, or is it just us? David flew out to attend...
Nate Shields and Troy Zimmerman had a straightforward goal: get to one hundred rental units in ten years. Now, near the halfway mark, Nate and Troy have made almost unbelievable progress in a real estate market most i...
MANY people invest in real estate for financial freedom. Unfortunately, not all investors get there. The truth is that a little cash flow won’t allow you to quit your W2 job or support an early retirement. You need a ...
For years, we’ve been told that lower mortgage rates could reignite homebuyer demand and help improve affordability so first-time homebuyers (or even rookie landlords) can finally buy their first property. But, with m...
Imagine making $1,500,000 on one regular real estate deal. We’re not talking about a huge apartment complex or commercial real estate investment. $1,500,000 on a single-family home purchase. How is that even possible?...
As an entrepreneur, you may be used to putting in hours of work learning new tactics, skills, and strategies. Your business rests on your shoulders, and why wouldn’t it, you’re the one who built it from the ground up....
The hosts look and sound a little different today. There are no beards and we haven’t heard one metaphor containing jiu-jitsu lingo... That’s because Ashley Kehr and Tony Robinson, hosts of the Real Estate Rookie Podc...
Deep in the forest, a secret financial independence summer camp is being held. Multiple times a year, all across the country, millionaires, financial freedom achievers, and those still on or just starting their FIRE j...