So you want to start investing in real estate but have ZERO experience. What should you do? The good news is that even if you don’t know how to invest in real estate, you can get started relatively quickly, especially...
Happy holidays, BiggerPockets listeners. You've all been good this year, so instead of a lump of coal, you're getting a special episode delivered on the most merry day of the year. We'll be sharing Yamundow Camara's u...
When Tarl Yarber last appeared on the show (#189), we got a behind-the-scenes look at his monster house flipping business.
He was doing a lot of volume, but here's the catch: he was stressed out and unhappy. Plus.....
The wealthy are using one unique retirement account to build their fortunes tax-free. You may have never heard of it, but knowing about it can change the course of your retirement planning, allowing you to invest in m...
Off-market real estate deals can make you a millionaire in just a few YEARS. Instead of buying the nicest-looking rental property in the best area through a brutal bidding war, David Lecko went the opposite route, pur...
We all reach a point of complacency. We tell ourselves that we’ve done enough, it’s too hard to go further, or we don’t have enough experience, money, or time to accomplish the goals that seem impossible. Brandon Turn...
Don’t strive to become rich. Instead, become a “quiet” millionaire like Tae Kim, the “Financial Tortoise.” You’ve seen the flashy cars, fancy champagne, and private jets of the online financial “gurus.” Then, like clo...
Deep in the forest, a secret financial independence summer camp is being held. Multiple times a year, all across the country, millionaires, financial freedom achievers, and those still on or just starting their FIRE j...
"Subject to" real estate has been exploding in popularity. When mortgage rates began to rise, subject to (often called sub to) came in as the hero to save the day. This real estate investing strategy offered investors...
When is it NOT worth taking a capital gains tax exemption? Wouldn’t it ALWAYS be a good time to pay Uncle Sam less? Not exactly…and today, we’re going to get into why. But there’s much more coming up in this Seeing Gr...