What has five letters but causes so much fear that millions of wannabe investors never get started? That’s right: TAXES. But taxes don’t need to be scary -- and understanding and utilizing the tax system can actually ...
Imagine living in a home where your next-door neighbors are your best friends or family members. We know you’ve thought about it before—starting a compound with all the people you love, everyone helps each other, watc...
If you want to reach financial freedom, knowing how to save money is crucial. Today, Mindy and Kyle deliver some special tips that will help you save on housing, food, travel, and other common money categories in 2024...
Want financial freedom through real estate? Then, you’ll need to know how to buy a rental property. Don’t worry; even as a beginner, you can take three basic steps to buy your first rental property and start building ...
These three real estate investing tools can make you more money in less time and with less effort than ever. Just ask Mark Simpson from Boostly; he used just one of these tools to bring in over six figures in sales, s...
Foreclosure can be a sensitive topic. After the embarrassment of falling behind on payments, there’s the fear of losing your home and having no place to live. Rather than preying on someone who feels helpless, there a...
If you haven’t started your retirement planning yet, you’re not out of luck. Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, or sixties, there’s still time to get enough into your accounts so you can walk...
Want to scale your real estate portfolio faster? These investment property loans can help. Most real estate investors get stuck early on in their journey. They buy some properties and build up some comfortable cash fl...
Back in 2004, Jude Bernard was sitting at a blackjack table in Vegas. This wasn’t his first game of the day, nor his second, or even his third. Jude had been sitting at that blackjack table for thirty hours straight. ...
Want to replace your nine-to-five? You'll need to know how to buy a business. And while you may think that you need to be some high-level executive or business-building savant, the reality is that TONS of profitable b...