Want more cash flow with less stress while running your rental property portfolio? Then you need self-management! Amelia McGee and Grace Gudenkauf, seasoned investors and the minds behind BiggerPockets’ newest book, T...
Do you dream of building a real estate empire and reaching financial independence but stop short due to the “tenants and toilets” problem? The irony wasn't lost on twenty-nine-year-old Dillon Leonard when a renter acc...
Could Coast FI be your BEST path to financial independence? Maybe you don’t want to retire early—not yet, at least. Hustle for a few years, invest your money, and watch it snowball instead! This twenty-four-year-old s...
Got a late start on your retirement planning? Do you feel like you missed the boat and won’t be able to retire on your timeline? We’ve got good news for you in today’s episode—it’s never too late for retirement (and e...
The road to financial independence isn’t always linear, but stoicism might be the secret ingredient that keeps you on track. This ancient philosophy gets a bad rap, but with its framework as your financial “operating ...
Mike Baum owns just one rental property, but this one property alone has changed his life. It’s allowed him to become such an investing expert that he’s constantly being asked for his opinion on the BiggerPockets foru...
Mike Baum owns just one rental property, but this one property alone has changed his life. It’s allowed him to become such an investing expert that he’s constantly being asked for his opinion on the BiggerPockets foru...
Got a late start on your retirement planning? Do you feel like you missed the boat and won’t be able to retire on your timeline? We’ve got good news for you in today’s episode—it’s never too late for retirement (and e...
Financial freedom isn’t important until your life flashes before your eyes. When everything could end, thoughts of your partner, children, and family come to mind, and most notably, what you left behind for them. Pash...
Do NOT buy rental properties. There’s a MUCH better way to build wealth. And we mean that literally, “building” wealth is the best path. At just twenty-seven years old, today's guest has built twenty-five homes, often...