Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
The combination of saving money and buying rentals is a recipe for reaching financial independence much faster than you thought possible. Just ask today’s guest, who started with tens of thousands of dollars in debt b...
Ho ho ho! We hope you had a holly, jolly, frugal, and festive holiday season. With the BiggerPockets elves off tinkering to make even greater shows for next year, we bring you one of our FAVORITE episodes for an encor...
Are you interested in retiring early with real estate but don’t want to manage hundreds of properties to do so? Today’s guest has managed to travel to 54 countries in the last three years after retiring in his 30s by ...
Alex Preziosi wants to reach financial independence by the age of forty-five, and with several hundred thousand dollars in retirement accounts, brokerage accounts, and savings, she’s on pace to do just that. But now, ...
When people hear the term “passive income,” their minds usually flash to real estate investing. But, taking on real estate debt may not be the best option for you—especially if you have a high-risk financial portfolio...
Do you have a cash flow problem? You’re not alone! Dan invests in real estate, has a great W2 job, and maxes out his investment accounts. He wants to hit financial independence by forty, but his lack of cash is making...
Early retirement is possible for almost anyone, no matter where you start or how much you make. If you can sacrifice and save more than you spend, there’s a good chance you could retire years or even decades earlier t...
A rental property portfolio can replace your job, give you ultimate financial freedom, and allow you to do what you want when you want. But building this massive passive income stream takes time, and if you stick with...
Is your W2 job causing you to burn out? You have dreams of achieving financial independence and retiring early, but the unrelenting demands of your nine-to-five job are causing you to work around the clock and miss pr...