Personal finance doesn’t have to be complicated. Saving, investing, and retiring early shouldn’t be a stumbling path to wealth, but many Americans feel this way. So, to clear up some of the money misconceptions, we’re...
Rent-to-own real estate can make you more cash flow, with less risk and fewer expenses, all while helping tenants become homeowners. But if it’s so good, why isn’t everyone doing it? Simply put, most investors have no...
In today's episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we are going to talk about something you may think is a bit boring... taxes..
BUT WAIT! Perseverance
Before you move on to go watch the latest episode of Dancing...
“Should I sell my rental property in 2023?” If you own investment property, you’ve probably asked yourself this numerous times over the past ten months. Prices are high, inventory is low, and your appreciated property...
We’re about to share the secrets NO seller wants you to know about. These secrets could save you tens of thousands of dollars on your next home purchase, and most buyers have no clue about them. In fact, these secrets...
Want to turn your rental property into a cash-flowing machine? What about boosting your property’s equity by tens or hundreds of thousands? The “value-add” strategy can do all this and more, but you’ll need to know th...
Which will make you richer: real estate vs. stocks? We brought the fine folks from The Motley Fool on the podcast to get into a serious debate over which asset makes you more money, which is easier to invest in, and w...
What’s the best way to invest in real estate when the numbers don’t make sense in your backyard? Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down with Bob Malecki, a real estate investor who started by purchasing local...
Will Barnard recently closed on a seven-figure profit house flip (that's right... over $1M on one single house!) In this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, Will shares the story, as well as 10 specific and actionab...
We all know that Hawaii is expensive. With its black sand beaches, fantastic surfing waves, and delicious poke bowls, why wouldn’t you want to live and invest there? Well, even with all those positives, many investors...