Want to go full-time into real estate investing? In only a few short years, you’ll be able to make millions of dollars, own a mansion on the beach, and ride your gold-plated jet ski into the sunset without ever having...
Want to know how to start a business? One that will help you reach financial freedom, find purpose, and give you more opportunity to spend time with your family? Those are the reasons why almost all of us get into rea...
Once you know how to analyze a rental property, you can reach financial freedom FAR faster than most Americans. You’ll be able to know how much a property is worth, how much passive income you’ll make, which propertie...
The 2023 holiday shopping season is here, and you know what that means…gifts, trips, and LOTS of spending. If you love the holiday season but are more into frugal festivities, we have just the episode for you. Whether...
Do you dream of hitting financial independence before the age of fifty, forty, or even thirty? In this episode, we’re joined by two of the SheeksFreaks community’s finest—a pair of scrappy entrepreneurs who decided to...
How do you know if a rental property will make enough cash flow before you buy? Budgeting is KEY. When breaking down a deal, it’s critical that you account for the costs of all capital expenditures (CapEx), maintenanc...
Before you start investing in real estate, make sure you hear this episode. Almost every beginner ends up making these five big real estate investing mistakes. Some cost money, some cost time, but all of them cost you...
You want to retire early, so you come up with a plan. “I’m going to buy ten rental properties and call it quits, then I’ll never have to work again.” Within a decade, you’ve got your ten rental properties, but now you...
You’ve been lied to about affordable housing. Most people will either tell you it’s impossible to buy an affordable home or that those buying affordable homes are outright stupid. The term “affordable” has been correl...