Last time we did a live Q&A, fans from all over came on to ask questions to Brandon and David. Now we’re back, answering the questions that BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast fans have on their minds. We’ll go over a h...
Let’s be honest: not everyone is trying to buy hundreds or thousands of properties. In fact – just a small handful of incredible deals can help build impressive wealth AND great income. That’s the story you’ll hear to...
Wouldn’t it be nice if your home paid for itself? Every month, you throw a substantial sum of money towards your rent or mortgage payment, but what if you could live mortgage-free? With ADU investments, it’s more than...
Want to know how to start an Airbnb business? If you find the right deal and build an all-star team, you could squeeze a TON of cash flow from just one rental. And we’ve got the perfect guest to show you the ropes!
With the right rental properties, you could not only bring in thousands of dollars in cash flow each month but also build long-term wealth. Just ask today’s guest! Despite her fulfilling career, she came to the realiz...
Could ONE multifamily rental property change your life? Just five years ago, Jaryn Pierson was sleeping on his grandma’s couch, working a minimum-wage job, and getting sober. But when the right deal came along, it alt...
Added home renovation costs can ruin your plans to own the perfect rental property. When this happens, how do you come up with the extra funds? More importantly, how do you prevent this from happening altogether? We’v...
Just a short while back, Marisa Mae was caught in the paycheck-to-paycheck trap, her credit cards stretched to their limits with no emergency savings to speak of, all while wrestling with constant financial stress. To...
Want to pay ZERO taxes next year? If you own real estate or are building a portfolio, there’s a good chance that you can legally keep your profits away from Uncle Sam. But you’ll need one thing before you can do so. O...
This “financial order of operations” could be your ticket to financial freedom. If most Americans followed these steps, they would find themselves debt-free, with full retirement accounts, passive income, and “wealth-...