People have a lot of excuses about why they aren't’ investing in real estate. “I work too much.” “I live in an expensive area.” “I don’t know enough.” But on today’s show, we sit down with a BiggerPockets member who i...
If you know how to use your home equity, you can retire MUCH faster than most Americans. For the majority of homeowners, equity is just something to sit on, not something worth using. But what if you could convert you...
After a strong case of “mommy guilt” working as an assistant principal, pregnant with her second child, Deba Douglas knew she needed a way out of the rat race. A run-in with Rich Dad Poor Dad prompted her to begin sav...
This rookie has grown his real estate portfolio to seven properties, $5,000 in monthly cash flow, and over $1 million in total equity in just SIX years. His strategy isn’t flashy or sexy, but it’s highly repeatable. E...
Can rookies find rental properties that cash flow in today’s housing market? Yes! But you may need to get creative. This investor made the numbers work by discovering extra income streams in his own backyard, making a...
Busy people tend to be...busy, and often, real estate investing is one of the things that they “just don’t have time for”. If you feel that way, listen to today’s guest, Dion Mcneeley as he describes his own system fo...
Want to think like a high-level investor and business owner who is seizing the moment and enjoying his best year ever? Listen up!
Former Oakland A's baseball player (and show 292 guest) Ryan Pineda steps back up to...
Today we are pumped to bring you one of the most exciting conversations yet on the BiggerPockets Podcast when we sit down with Serge Shukhat, a real estate investor from the Arizona area who is absolutely crushing it ...
People often tell each other to “stay positive” in light of grim circumstances or hard times. This consistent positivity can feel forced when going through something truly terrifying, but it’s exactly what helped Jeff...
Want to pay less money to the IRS in 2024? We’ve got the real estate tax strategies to help you do just that. And get this—you don’t need a large real estate portfolio to benefit from these money-saving tax tips!