Flipping with no money down... in Hawaii? You heard that right.
Greg Gaudet actually considers himself "risk-averse" and still holds a full-time job, but he's able to make nice chunks of change by hustling to find ...
New to real estate investing? In the beginning, you’re drowning in recommendations of where to invest in real estate, especially in 2024. Everyone is shouting different markets at you, “Cleveland! Tampa! Cincinnati!” ...
Zillow’s latest housing market forecast shows a decline in home prices over the next year after a very slow spring homebuying season. While spring is traditionally the hottest time of the housing market, with more sel...
Closing off-market deals is one of the best ways to start stacking your real estate portfolio, especially while the housing market is so hot. But, off-market deals often require cold-calling, which is something that m...
One of the best ways to “live for free” is a strategy almost every successful real estate investor uses at some point in their journey: house hacking. You’ve probably heard of it before—house hacking allows you to sig...
The housing market is an evolving beast that almost no one can accurately map. With so many investors on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to housing market crashes and corrections, it’s nice to hear the thoug...
Antoine Martel has a secret to finding the best real estate markets around, and here’s the thing—ANYONE can repeat his process. After flipping over SIX HUNDRED houses and building a BIG real estate portfolio, he knows...
The Federal Reserve finally announced the end of rate hikes. It’s a day real estate investors have been eagerly awaiting. With lower mortgage rates on the horizon in 2024, buyers could gain more control of the housing...
Multifamily real estate has crashed, but we’re not at the bottom yet. With more debt coming due, expenses rising, incomes falling, and owners feeling desperate, there’s only so much longer that these high multifamily ...
Fannie Mae is predicting a serious change in the multifamily real estate market. Ever since interest rates began to rise, multifamily has been on a downward spiral. Higher rates made profits fall, and as a result, buy...