Just a short while back, Marisa Mae was caught in the paycheck-to-paycheck trap, her credit cards stretched to their limits with no emergency savings to speak of, all while wrestling with constant financial stress. To...
“Do I have enough to retire?” is a question most people in the FIRE community grapple with, but today, we’re sharing a FREE tool that will help you put this issue to bed! If you’re concerned about running out of money...
Marie Forleo, world class coach, marketer, and author, grew up with a mother that did everything. Whether it was retiling the bathroom, fixing a leak in the roof, or performing electrical engineering on small applianc...
Profitable on-market properties are all around you, you just need to take the time to look. Oh, we hear what you’re saying, “all those on-market properties are bad deals!” While not all properties sitting on the MLS a...
Most financial advisors aren’t what they seem. They paint themselves as stewards of your financial security, carefully analyzing every investment they put your money into. But that’s far from the truth. Many financial...
If you follow these nine steps, you will reach financial independence. How do we know? Well, The Money Guy Show’s Brian Preston and Bo Hanson have tested it hundreds of times! Using this simple but extremely powerful ...
Is frugality overrated? Is hustle culture a waste of time? Do we over-save for retirement? You don’t have to look very far to find a hot take online, but is there some truth to these opinions? Today, we’ll wade throug...
From over $300,000 in debt to a millionaire in just eight years?! No matter where you’re at, it’s never too late to get on the path to financial freedom. This entrepreneur is proof that a little discipline, frugality,...
For the past 999 episodes of the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast, we’ve heard stories from investors who have achieved financial freedom through rental property investing. However, when we started this podcast in 20...
What does true wealth mean to you? Maybe it’s having control over your time or having the means to donate part of your income to charity. Maybe it means feeling healthy enough to jump out of bed and attack the day.In ...