You did it; you achieved FIRE! After over a decade of hard work, you’ve reached financial independence and can retire early. You’re making more money than you spend from passive income, work-optional, and life is good...
After a strong case of “mommy guilt” working as an assistant principal, pregnant with her second child, Deba Douglas knew she needed a way out of the rat race. A run-in with Rich Dad Poor Dad prompted her to begin sav...
Real estate investing is one of the best vehicles for building wealth, reaching financial independence, and saving for retirement, but you don’t need to become a full-time investor to reap the benefits. If you have no...
Are there “clues” that point to phenomenal real estate investing areas? We mean the areas nobody knew about until it was too late. The neighborhoods that seem to jump in price overnight, and everyone ends up saying, “...
Want to invest in real estate but feel like you don’t have everything it takes? You know you need money for a down payment, skills to manage tenants/perform renovations, and time to find the deals in the first place. ...
Is it a good time to invest in real estate? Yes, and we have proof that real estate may be underpriced, even as we hover around the most expensive average home prices in history. How can real estate be undervalued whe...
Is it a good time to invest in real estate? Yes, and we have proof that real estate may be underpriced, even as we hover around the most expensive average home prices in history. How can real estate be undervalued whe...
How can you use your retirement accounts to reach FIRE faster? We’ve talked a lot about the “middle-class trap”—having too much of your net worth trapped in your retirement accounts and home equity—and we may have the...
Your rental properties are about to make even more money. There’s one often overlooked real estate investing “upside” that, over time, makes rental property investors and landlords rich without any extra effort. This ...
Wish you had a few money hacks to help with things like getting out of debt, finding the right assets to invest in, and growing your nest egg? The average person may not even know where to start! Today’s guest is usin...