Imagine making $1,500,000 on one regular real estate deal. We’re not talking about a huge apartment complex or commercial real estate investment. $1,500,000 on a single-family home purchase. How is that even possible?...
Want a better rental property loan? You’ve probably tried talking to banks, brokers, and residential lenders about growing your real estate portfolio, only for them to hit back with W2, income, and credit score requir...
Real estate investing has changed a LOT over the past few years. For most people getting into rental property investing in the mid-2010s, profitable properties were plentiful, cash flow was almost automatic, and equit...
Too busy to buy rental properties? After this episode, you won’t have any more excuses. Brandon and Dani Tilson started building their rental property portfolio just under a year and a half ago and have already acquir...
A $100K "exotic plant" side hustle to over $2 million in real estate? The truth is that you can use virtually any side hustle to help kickstart your real estate journey—whether you need capital to invest or want the e...
The key to financial freedom? Work as a pizza delivery driver! Not only will you learn how to handle high-pressure situations, but you might also find your next property on a regular pizza run! At least that’s what Pa...
Is early retirement possible if you’re dead broke in your 50s? What about regular retirement when you have a negative net worth later in life? If you feel it’s too late to retire, today’s guests are here to prove you ...
Want to learn from two guys who have weathered several real estate market cycles and come out on top?
You’re in the right place! In this episode, Brandon and David sit down with Russell Gray and Robert Helms, longt...
Want to cut your electric bill in HALF? A few secret yet simple hacks can save you hundreds, if not THOUSANDS, on your utility bills. And with energy prices almost double where they were just a few years back, everyon...
Do you have fears and insecurities that hold you back from the life you envision? No? OK, well we'll see you next week... But really: this topic gets to the heart of why so many real estate investors quit, fail, or ne...